供人食用的冷冻整鸡。 :一个。冷冻鸡皮肤白(A级)。 B.重量1000gm-1300GM。 C.没有羽毛,没有皮肤黄色。 D.清洁和新鲜。 E.没有鸡腿。 F. SIN CONTUSIONS。 SIN H. BURNS。 I.没有气味。 J.无血。 K.湿度小于5%。…
Our products are completely legal in the European Union(CE) and F.D.A.(U.S.A.)having no toxic ingredients and 100% formaldehyde free. This is the best option to have a brilliant shiny hair. Therefore offering a smooth and frizz free radiance to the hair.…
Andes Global Co. offers a wide range of commercial and investment consultancy and specialized services directed to manage the trade relations between Latin America countries (which include South America and the Caribbean) and the Arab states
Cluster Agro-negocios. Cria de Ganados, Producción de Carnes, Lacteos frescos, linea de embolsado para leche fresca, bolsas de 500 ml y 1000 ml. Se pretenden Vacas adaptadas a Clima Tropical - Raza Jersey - Se pretenden ofertas de linea de embolsado…
进站李子,干番茄,桃干,杏脯,干梨,无花果干,葡萄干金发葡萄,葡萄干黑发,带壳杏仁,去壳坚果等。 另外奶粉,面粉,葡萄酒,蜂蜜。